


Philosophies of Mors Mortis

Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat
We seek peace with everyone, but when push comes to shove, we shove back with greater force.

Per fas et nefas
By fair or unfair means. We respect and stand by the laws laid down for Rune Midgard, but under the most extreme situations we shall expend all resources to come up with the most favorable results for our guild

Deis Ireis
The day of wrath. This is our Jihad, our holy crusade. It had happened once. It shall happen again. One this day all our forces shall stand as one to defend our honor and declare our rightful place in Midgard.

Amat victoria curam
Victory favors those who take pains. Sacrifice, dedication and service, this is all we ask out of each and everyone of our members so that we as one can attain our goals.

Sol omnibus lucet
The sun shines upon us all. Equality for all. Everyone shall be heard, all opinions will be valued.